Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It's almost Christmas. I LOVE Christmas!!!

I mean, what's NOT to love? Trees, ornaments, gift bags, wrapped presents, and RIBBONS. I L-O-V-E ribbons. I love to help with the whole wrapping deal, but ribbons are my absolute fave.

For some reason, Mom and Dad haven't done any decorating yet this year. I'm a little bummed about that, 'cuz I LOVE to help decorate for Christmas, especially the tree. Here's some pics of me helping Mom, from my FIRST Christmas.

Where's that cord?

I think this one should go just a little...


Okay, found it! It should go here. Yeah, right there.
That's good. That's the ticket. Hmm. What's this?

I LOVE these ornaments! So glittery and shiny!
So shiny. Watch it go back and forth...

...Back and forth... so shiny... back and forth...
Why are my eyelids getting so heavy?

Time for a coffee break.Time for a coffee break.

What? Already done?

Ooooh. Ahhhhh.
Seriously, not too bad for a darn fiber
optic tree with non-breakable ornaments!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Somehow I missed these pics during the holiDAZE! They are way too cute for me to even find the right words for them, DG!
Boots rocks!